Scientific approach to spraying pesticides,
based on farmland environmental data.


"Aishirizu Morudoai"
(a support service for farming using a reduced amount of pesticides)

(Note) : This service is for Japan only

This service uses DX technology to monitor field environmental data 24 hours a day.
This service provides consulting services for the timely application of pesticides by monitoring 24-hour changes in field environmental data. As a result, the service is more efficient than standard pesticide application based on a pest management calendar.
The result is a reduction in the number of pesticide applications by one-half to one-third compared to standard practice (based on actual results of in-house testing).

This will not only reduce the cost of pesticides but also improve the efficiency of spraying operations and reduce health hazards.
By reducing the use of pesticides, we support higher quality grape cultivation in Japan's "wine prefecture" - Yamanashi.

Following are the two types of services we offer

Field Environment Monitoring

・24-hour monitoring of the field environment using specific environmental sensors.
・Items monitored: temperature, humidity, etc.
・Constant access of monitoring data through smartphones, tablets, and PCs.

Pesticide Reduction Consultation

・Pre-plantation consultation on field characteristics, probable timing of fungal outbreaks, and pest management based on environmental data from previous years.
・Notification of fungal outbreaks during growing season and consultation for actual pest control operations.
・After harvest, report back on environmental changes and pest control operations.

Products menu

Field Environment Monitoring

Pesticide Reduction Consultation

Recommended Sensors

(Note) : This service is for Japan only


Nishimu Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.

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